Any time you print a business card, or any other marketing material, it is very important to make sure it reflects the image of your company. Let's take a look at what uv coating and spot uv coating are to aid in this decision making process. UV COATING UV coating, also referred to as varnish, is a thin coating that is applied over ink printed on paper. This coating is then dried by exposure to UV radiation, the end result being a shiny surface. There are several benefits of this coating: 1) Makes color pop. UV coating helps in making the colors of the printed piece much more vibrant. Colors will be very rich and you will think the colors will be jumping right off the page. This is a great option if you are looking to make your marketing material pop. Used with good-looking graphics, uv coating can definitely aid in getting your message across in style. 2) Acts as protective layer. UV coating also acts as a protective layer, protecting the printed piece from a variety of things that can damage it. It also helps keep the card a bit sturdier. UV coating is abrasion and chemical resistant and protect inked surfaces against wear and tear caused by handling, display and use. The longer your marketing material stays protected, the better for you since the message could continue to look good. SPOT UV Spot UV coating, also referred to as spot varnish, is applied to chosen spots (areas), of a printed piece. This has the affect of drawing attention to that part of the design, but it also provides the additional stimulus of having varied textures on a single printed surface. Such a unique feature adds a lot of interest and can help identify it as a premium marketing piece. To see a visual click here. An example would be having a business card and applying the uv coating only on the logo.